Friday, June 7, 2019

Saying Goodbye

Today was our last day of school and it was so bittersweet. Last night there were tears and emotions were high as we talked about the kind of changes we would experience in the fall. But today they were all smiles as I sent them off to school for their last day of 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and K!
And one silly shot before catching the bus for the last time! 

Pulling our kids from school isnt a decision we took lightly. In fact, we've been thrilled with their school. We've loved the staff, the kids have great friends, I've been able to volunteer and get to know lots of mom friends. So this decision wasnt an easy one.
This is just one of several notes to my kids and our family. The friends we've made at school have become family in some ways. After the bus came today we spent the entire day with these people - this school family. My heart is so full! I'm so very thankful for our experience at our school. 

I've shed my fair share of tears the last few days, many of these school friends are neighbors and I know we'll all still see each other, but change is hard. 

In all the sadness of this week there is also great anticipation! We are all excited to see what fall brings, to start our new routine and get involved with our homeschool community.
Until then, we'll be here, soaking in every ounce of sunshine and pool time we can! Also, school friends - we want to keep in touch! My kiddos are hoping for lots of playdate this summer!

*coming up on the blog
 - meal planning for a busy family
 - chores and allowances
 - Yes! Homeschooling is legal

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