Saturday, June 1, 2019

All My Darlings... and Clementine!

Let me start off by introducing myself!  I'm Kate, a busy mom to 6 little ones (although my oldest is 10 so don't tell her I said "little") and we recently added a ginger labradoodle to our family!  To say life is full would be an understatement.  My oldest 4 were in school full time at a wonderful local school for the past several years (actually the school I attended as a child) but after much discussion and prayer the hubby and I have decided the best move for our family would be to bring our kids home this next year.

Ya know that busy life I mentioned? It's about to get a whole lot busier.  Our decision confuses people and we've been getting lots of "really?" "why?" "ALL of them?" types of questions. So I thought I'd share with you all some answers to your questions - in short, we feel this is what God has called us to do.  The longer "reasoning" behind why we're homeschooling is complex and would take more time than this blog allows, but if you'd like to hear our story, come on over for a cup of coffee and we'll chat!

But YES, really!  And YES, all of them! I will have a 5th, 4th, 3rd, 1st, K, and 3 year old to teach at home!  I'm so thankful we live in a place that supports homeschooling.  We'll be doing a partnership at a local public school for things like art, PE (gymnastics), and STEM, so don't worry about socialization.  I'll write another post about our curriculum choices later on!

For now, we have one more week of school at our current school and then it's SUMMER break!  We all are looking forward to a reset after a particularly challenging year.  We'll be starting school the week of Labor Day in September!

Don't worry, not every post will be about homeschooling!  Remember Clementine, I'm sure there will be some funny stories about her.  I'm sure I'll throw in some of our favorite large family snacks and meal (tips for meal planning anyone?). And we've got some fun adventures planned for the summer!

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