Monday, July 29, 2019

School Curriculum Pt. 2

I told you last time I'd highlight our other curriculum in a separate post. Here it is! While we are using mostly MasterBooks, I am using other books for a few things. So here's a quick run down. 

First off - Bible. The older 4 have these books. Theyll do them every morning before we start school. I feel like it's good to get them in the habit of digging in to Gods Word every day.

It's not super lengthy, a few verses each day. This will take them through the Bible in a year. On Sunday there's a page for sermon notes!

Next up is our Morning Basket! This is a hot topic right now in homeschool lingo. Basically its things we'll do together as a family before doing our core subject. This will be mostly read-alouds.

 The Long Story Short - a 10 minute devotional.
 The Ology - this was recommended by a homeschooling friend (who happens to be a pastors wife), it is THE BEST book on explaining those hard to explain doctrines to young hearts!
 Memory verses and catechism
 Shakespeare and Fairy Tales
 Art Treasury - this book is so fun. Each week we'll look at a different artist and a famous work by them and then we'll work to recreate the same piece of art.
 Character First - I mentioned earlier that character is at the top of our priority list when it comes to raising our kiddos. These cards have a short definition of a character quality and then a practical way to show it on the back. We'll attempt to do one a week.

This is our Morning Basket "schedule". Obviously we wont be doing ALL of these things every day. The first few items (devotional, memory work, character cards and our read-aloud book) we will do each day. The rest are on a LOOP schedule. So Monday is The Olpogy, Tuesday is Poetry, Wednesday is Shakespeare, Thursday is fairytales and Friday is Art.

Our morning time will hopefully be a great way to segue right into our core subjects!

We're getting close! One month from today we start! 

*coming up next- keeping a little one  busy while we school and this years' line up for read aloud!

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