Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Let's Talk Curriculum

Brace yourselves, its gonna be a long one!

When we tell people we're homeschooling, the first question we get (usually) is "what curriculum are you using?"

So I figured I'd do a detailed unveiling for you all! I stumbled upon this curriculum earlier this spring and after a lot of research and comparison I really feel like it's going to be a great fit for us. We'll be using MasterBooks for our core subjects. MasterBooks isnt really new but I'm finding not many homeschoolers have heard of it. It is a Christian curriculum, heavily focusing on apologetics and has scripture woven through every lesson (even in math).

So let me show you our books! Why they're all sideways is beyond me

Math Lessons for a Living Education levels 1, 1, 3, 4 and 5! Celia and Lenora will ne doing first grade together! These math lessons are gentle but thorough, no drill and kill and no busy work!

 English Lessons for a Loving Education level 2-4 and they'll use the 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible for copy work.

 Elementary Geography and cultures is our social studies course we'll be doing as a family. We will travel around the globe visiting over 30 countries. This is a super fun curriculum - each country has a recipe we're suppose to try!

 Each student has their own passport and it comes with stickers for every country we "visit"!

I didnt want to overwhelm so we arent doing a formal "science", instead we'll be studying an animal from the country we visit each week and spend some time studying their habitats.

There are a few other books we'll be using but I'll cover those next time. For now I wanted to highligh MasterBooks! If you havent heard of them, check them out. Lots and LOTS of great resources!

Until next time!

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