Saturday, July 13, 2019

Are you qualified to teach them?

Let's talk about homeschooling a second. When we first decided to bring our kids home, for the most part we had great support. But there were several people that asked "do you have a teaching degree?" "Are you qualified to teach them?" "How will you know what to teach them?"

I am so thankful for the teachers that my children have had the past several years - they influenced my children in ways I never could. However, as their mom I feel like God has equipped me to be the best teacher for them - so yes I'm "qualified."

Do i have a teaching degree? No. I do have a college degree, but I dont think that matters either. God has called us to this task and he will give us what we need to make it through even the toughest of days (with or without a degree)!

Which brings me to everyone's favorite question... What will you teach them? Or What curriculum are you using?

This makes me laugh, I get this question multiple times a week, from both homeschooling friends and non homeschooling friends!

I'm working on a post to talk about all our curriculum and will post that later. But even more important for us is what we'll be learning that isn't in books.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise.

When my kids are at school 8 hours a day, how can I impart Gods truth to them? How can they learn to be strong in character when they spend more time on the bus than talking to their parents. The time we have with them is so very brief.  So while I plan to use curriculum that covers math, language, science and history, those are less important to me than the character I'm hoping they build.

You know what I mean, as parents we all hope our kids grow up to be good citizens, but it's so much more than that. I want them to love their siblings and others, I want them to have a life filled with empathy, compassion, patience, self-control, humility, trustworthyness, integrity... I could go on and on. In short, as parents we want to train them to be more Christ-like every day.

So back to my original question. Am I qualified? No, not even a little. But by the grace of God. Because, you see, all those character qualities I want my kids to have? I want them to see them in me, and since I'm a sinner just like them, it will be Christ teaching me as I teach them.

My prayers have changed as we lead up to this school year, change my heart oh God, so they may see you more clearly in me. May my words and actions reflect you, may they be drawn to you more each day. Give me the wisdom I need to point them to truth.

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