Thursday, September 12, 2019

So far... SO good!

We are winding down our 3rd week of school. And so far 4 out of 5 kids are loving it. It's been a big change for all of us, and we dont all handle change well.

As mom and teacher, I'm finding the hardest thing for me is helping everyone at once. My goal is to have a good flow and schedule by christmas break!

So what have we been up to? Lots of fun learning!
 The kids do all their book work in the morning and then they take turns working on typing in the afternoon! L was so excited that she got to learn typing like the older kids!
 Our first field trip - the zoo!
We've collected 3 stamps in our passports so far - United States, Canada and Mexico. Finishing up North America and next week we'll be flying south to South America! The kids are LOVING this geography curriculum!
Our co-op classes started this week as well. All 4 girls are participating in gymnastics, A is too but he didnt want a picture :)  they have already made friends!
Art is our other co-op class. All 5 kids are in a class together and they are having so much fun. Their teacher is an artist from Italy and they have loved getting started on some fun projects!
A big part of bringing our kids home was teaching them a solid foundation of character traits. Each week we are studying a character quality. We learn the definition, a verse to go along and we do some role playing. At the end of the week we string the words onto a key ring. at the end if the year the ring will be full of all the character traits theyve learned.

Each say is a bit different, and each day has it's own struggles but overall our first few weeks have been more good than bad. I'm loving having them home and they are thrilled with being done with school before lunch time!